Quickly Broadcast and Monetize your Content with Vewbie’s Free Tools. Launch your end to end OTT Platform Today!

Generating six figures streaming with Vewbie

Stream Online Education Across Live

Support distance learning in flexible modes within the online education platform 



Increase your revenue by creating ads or subscriptions at no additional cost

VOD / OTT Platform

VOD / OTT Platform

Integrate live broadcasts and VODS with the tools provided

Smart Enconding

Smart Enconding

Always deliver the best quality with transmission optimization

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Access from any device and manage everything from anywhere

Embed Anywhere

Embed Anywhere

Share your broadcasts on multiple platforms in a simplified way

Public Uploading

Public Uploading

Allow users to share clips and videos within the platform and grow your community

Bridging Educational Streaming Gaps

Explore how Vewbie empowers organizations and influencers to harness the content creation efforts of their teams and followers, driving collective content generation and monetization for mutual benefit.

Vewbie: Live Streaming for Education and E-Learning

Educational institutions, teachers, and e-learning platforms can use Vewbie for live streaming classes, webinars, and educational content.


Transforming Learning: Vewbie's Educational Streaming Platform

Educational institutions, teachers, and e-learning platforms can use Vewbie for live streaming classes, webinars, and educational content.


Enhancing Teaching: Vewbie's Dynamic E-Learning Solutions

Educational institutions, teachers, and e-learning platforms can use Vewbie for live streaming classes, webinars, and educational content.

Vewbie: Revolutionizing Education with Live Streaming Tools

Educational institutions, teachers, and e-learning platforms can use Vewbie for live streaming classes, webinars, and educational content.


Education and E-Learning

Stream Your Educational Content With Vewbie

Broadcast Live Educational Courses. Expand your teaching reach with our flexible online education platform.


Explore Vewbie Features

Discover 5 Reasons Why Organizations and Influencers Love Streaming with Vewbie

Free Plan (No Trial)

Begin your streaming journey with confidence. Our Free Plan is really free & offers a generous 50GB of data to launch your branded channel, with no hidden trial periods.

Free Streaming App

Start live streaming or recording your content effortlessly. Create your own branded channel with optional monetization features in just under 5 minutes – no technical expertise required.

Unlimited Concurrent Video Sources

Empower your entire organization to broadcast live simultaneously. There are no limits to your streaming potential.

Create Your Own Network

At no extra cost, consolidate content from multiple individually managed channels. This feature allows organizations and influencers to amplify their brands and generate revenue for both the network and individual channels.

Monetization Options

Network and Channel owners unlock revenue through subscriptions and advertising. In this context, Channels benefit from increased visibility of their content, thanks to the promotional efforts of the Network. Network owners also earn a share of their affiliated channels’ revenue.

Unlock the Potential of Your Valuable Content

In the digital age, content is king, and your content is the crown jewel. At Vewbie, we understand that your passion and expertise deserve to be showcased and monetized. Our platform empowers content creators, organizations, and influencers to seize control of their narratives, amplify their brands, and turn their valuable content into a profitable product.

Broadcast and Monetize in Four Easy Steps

Step 1: Download and Install the Free App

Begin by downloading the Vewbie app from your preferred app store—available on both iOS and Android. Install it on your device and complete the registration process to set up your user account. This step is your gateway to accessing a world of broadcasting and monetization opportunities.

Step 2: Create Your Channel

Once registered, create your own channel on the Vewbie platform. Customize your channel’s settings, choose a theme that reflects your brand, and select your preferred monetization options, such as through a paywall for exclusive content or by integrating advertisements.

Step 3: Invite Contributors

Expand your channel’s reach by inviting other content creators to broadcast on your channel. This collaboration can increase content diversity and viewer engagement, enriching your channel’s appeal.

Step 4: Share Your Content and Monetize

Start sharing your content with the world! Promote your channel through social media and other networks to grow your audience. Monetize your content as viewership increases, and track your earnings through the Vewbie dashboard.

Download our Free App and Get Started

Begin your streaming journey with confidence. Our Free Plan is really free & offers a generous 50GB of data to launch your branded channel, with no hidden trial periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vewbie stands out with its free turnkey streaming platform, offering unlimited concurrent video sources and the ability to create your own network at no extra cost. Plus, our platform provides monetization options for both network and channel owners.
Vewbie provides control over revenue sharing for content partners, enabling smooth processes for uploads, logins, registrations, and revenue distribution. Our platform ensures transparency and fairness in revenue sharing arrangements.
Getting started with Vewbie is effortless. With our free plan, there's no trial period or hidden fees. Simply sign up, and you'll have access to 50GB of data to launch your branded channel. Our intuitive platform allows you to create your own branded channel and start streaming in under five minutes, no technical expertise required.
Content creators on Vewbie can monetize their content through subscriptions, advertising, and pay-per-view events. Additionally, network owners can earn a share of revenue generated by their affiliated channels, enhancing earnings potential.
Yes, you can upload a comprehensive list of lessons all at once on Vewbie's educational video platform. Our unlimited storage library allows you to organize and manage your content seamlessly.
Scheduling a meeting with Vewbie is easy. Simply click on the appointment button located throughout our website or as part of the menu options. Our team is ready to assist you in exploring how you can contribute to our ever-growing library of over 500,000 hours of video content.

Support: admin@vewbie.com | General: info@vewbie.com